Organic Pastured Raised Pulled Lamb Shoulder
With the term grass-fed label now not being used as form of certification, I wanted to share with you some places I trust when I want to buy meat in the Bay Area. As always, getting to know your farmer is best to stay current with their practices.
Bi-Rite Market * +
Marina Meats*
Farmer's Markets - google ones for your city and support your local farmer! Go early to have the most options.
Other options that I haven't tried for myself, but maybe you may like to do:
Be part of CSA that offers meat. One local CSA is called Soul Food Farm.
Order a whole animal for yourself or with a group of folks.
Order online from US Wellness or 5280 Meats.
*For special cuts, call in advance to make sure they have what you want.
+Great place to buy seafood as well!