I like to do step-ups with a slight single leg squat variation - meaning moving a bit more through my ankle, knees, and hips than a normal step-up. Practice the following three tips to challenge your glutes with this step-up variation…
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I like to do step-ups with a slight single leg squat variation - meaning moving a bit more through my ankle, knees, and hips than a normal step-up. Practice the following three tips to challenge your glutes with this step-up variation…
Read MoreThis community class is for all levels, for beginner to advance. We will focus on the glute strength, hip mobility, and breathwork to improve your posture and facilitate ease in your body. It is perfect to do after ankle and feet injuries, since all exercises will be modifiable if you cannot stand on your feet or use your ankles.
Read MoreIn the past, I wrote about compassion and loving kindness practices to support coming home. In case you didn’t know, these practices are part of a larger collection of buddhist virtues, called Brahmavihara. In pali, brahma means god or divine; vihara means abode. The brahmavihara are known as the “four immeasurables” in Sanskrit or “infinite minds” in Chinese. These virtues can be found in early buddhist texts and non-buddhist literature, like the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali. Brahmavihara includes the following four virtues…
Read MoreLast week, lots of folks were talking about using the breath to alleviate anxiety associated with the elections. As a yoga teacher, these recommendations made me feel a little antsy, because breath work can sometimes retrigger people's unprocessed trauma stored in the body. My desire to decrease harm in breathing practices, inspired me to write a little bit about precautions and safe practices in breath work techniques from a yogi perspective.
Read MoreThe second chakra in yoga is called Svadhisthana and located in the lower belly. According to A.G. Mohan, it is the second wheel, motion, or changes within us in his book, Yoga For Body, Breath, and Mind. This sacral chakra is known as the creative and sexual chakra. It is where the “self” dwells or what Caroline in Spirit of Anatomy describes as, “Her special Abode.” The second chakra corresponds with the element of liquid or water - symbolizing the flow of life.
Read MoreHamstrings help you extend your hips and consist of three main muscles (the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and bicep femoris). The semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and long head bicep femoris cross the hip and knee joint. When these muscles are injured or weak, it can be hard to do athletic sports, walk with ease, or even sit down without feeling pain. Finding the appropriate progression of exercises can be difficult to figure out when starting out; working with a physical therapist, movement therapist, or strength trainer, depending on what you are working can be very helpful during these struggles.
Well, I have written below some beginner hamstring exercises using bodyweight below that you might want to explore. Allow form and pain to be your guide. Meaning, don’t lose your form for doing more repetitions and don’t do any exercise that causes you pain. And as with any exercise program, including this one, please talk with your doctor before starting something new. I have also written recommended sets and repetitions for getting stronger hamstrings. Click here to get that information.
Now you may think that light weight (if that is your body weight) may not get you any gains; current research is showing that this idea could be a myth. Light weight, with enough mechanical tension and reps (basically close to failure), could create as much gains as with heavy weight (load close to your 1 max rep). In a recent study, done by Brad J Schoenfeld et al, low load resistance training still demonstrated improvements in muscle hypertrophy in well trained men. This research and more goes to show that we still have so much to still learn in the science of strength training.
For beginners and people who are deconditioned, consistency in exercises is probably going to matter the most, so focus on just doing the exercises and not the details or the roots of the forest. If you have any questions and want extra help, I offer 1:1 sessions and can be reached at angeles@angelesrios.com .
Slow and controlled (legs moving through honey)
2-6 timing in movement, example: flex knee for 2, 1 and extend knee for 2, 1.
Single (unilateral, right or left leg)
Double (bilateral, both right or left leg)
5-10 seconds holds
10-20 percent effort, focusing on engaging hamstrings, not back
Slow and controlled
2-6 count movement, example: 3,2,1 & 3,2,1 down
0 degree (knee is straight)
90 degree (ex. knee is flexed 1/2 way, corner of square)
120 degree (feet are pretty close to butt)
Double (bilateral, both right and left leg)
Single (unilateral, right or left leg)
Hips in prone position (body/face facing floor)
For the isometric version, a supine position may initially be a better place to start if your breathwork/core needs to catch up in strength
Pillows can be used under hips to support lower back
Upper body can be on floor or elevated with bent arms and forearms on floor
Co-contraction (kime/engaged core during isometric and dynamic movement)
Knees stay straight
Keep ankles dorsiflexed (keeps calves from overworking)
Lay in body in supine (on your back) or in prone position
squeeze butt and reach through heels
Squeeze butt and press pubic bone on floor or pillows
Exhale and deep co-contraction as you lift legs from hips and floor
Inhale to lower legs down
Single Leg lift (left or right leg)
Double Leg lift (both left and right leg; more challenging)
Link to The Why, Who, What, When to Beginner Hamstring Strength Exercises
Thorborg, K., Opar, D., & Shield, A. (Eds.). (2020). Prevention and Rehabilitation of Hamstring Injuries. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-31638-9
Hirose, Norikazu1; Tsuruike, Masaaki2 Differences in the Electromyographic Activity of the Hamstring, Gluteus Maximus, and Erector Spinae Muscles in a Variety of Kinetic Changes, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: December 2018 - Volume 32 - Issue 12 - p 3357-3363 doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002747
Schoenfeld BJ, Peterson MD, Ogborn D, Contreras B, Sonmez GT. Effects of Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Well-Trained Men. J Strength Cond Res. 2015;29(10):2954-2963. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000000958
I am attempting to use more graphics to help explain how I process, learn, and teach as a dominant visual and kinesthetic learner. I hope this graphic helps you get started on doing hamstring strength exercises, which I tried to be as clear and concise without getting lost in the woods. Lastly, this is not an exhaustive explanation. If you would like more help, I offer private sessions online and outdoors in Santa Cruz.
In my next blog, I will dive into more depth on how to do them. For now, I just got excited to post my first graphic I used from Canva! As always, check in with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.