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Inner Cariño

  • Angeles Rios Santa Cruz, California USA (map)
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Find your inner cariño on Tuesdays, at 8PM!

Cariño means love, tenderness, and compassion in Spanish to me. Meet in community on Tuesdays, at 8 PM (PST) with me to practice connecting to your inner cariño!

This class will incorporate yoga techniques and breath work in preparation for a guided meditation practice. The focus will be on the yin part of yoga - ease, slowing down, relaxation, observation, and surrendering in the body, mind, and heart.

For all Levels!

All levels will reap the benefits with finding the appropriate pose for them. And why you may want to have props with you (ex. pillows, bolsters, yoga blocks) if you need support in your modifications. The appropriate pose is the one you are able to practice a relaxed breath.

What is yin yoga?

Yin yoga can be described as a slow and static form of yoga. The poses are held passively, unlike yang yoga that focuses more on movement and effort. This practice has a focus on observing what comes up during and between poses while surrendering and softening through the experience. There are are certain poses and sequences that help stimulate particular subtle energy pathways; what is called meridians in Chinese medicine or chakras and nadis in yoga. Personally, I normally like to practice yin yoga before going to bed or whenever my mind and body feels scattered and irritable.

Who Am I?

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Hi! My name is Angeles Rios. I am a healer and trainer who works with both emotions and the body to help active people move better, be healthier, and stronger.

If you want more personalized help, I currently offer 1:1 sessions online, in Santa Cruz, and the Bay Area.  You can click here to book a 20-minute consultation if you would like to learn more.  As a small business owner, I depend on referrals. If you think you know of someone who might benefit from my work, please forward them this link to contact me.  I appreciate your support!