
The Why, Who, What, & When to Beginner Hamstring Strength Exercises

I am attempting to use more graphics to help explain how I process, learn, and teach as a dominant visual and kinesthetic learner. I hope this graphic helps you get started on doing hamstring strength exercises, which I tried to be as clear and concise without getting lost in the woods. Lastly, this is not an exhaustive explanation. If you would like more help, I offer private sessions online and outdoors in Santa Cruz.

In my next blog, I will dive into more depth on how to do them. For now, I just got excited to post my first graphic I used from Canva! As always, check in with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Salmon Cafe SWOT Analysis Chart (3).png

Searching For Strength?

Are you searching for strength during Shelter-In-Place? Well, folks, I got a class for you. Get your glutes on with this assclass. 

I will be holding a beta version of this online class this Monday at 5 PM. You can sign up through Calendly with this link to get more information about it.

If you are searching for inner strength, I am teaching an online Community Yoga Nidra class on Tuesdays, at 8PM.  This class will began with gentle yoga exercises and breath work - followed by a guided meditation. You can sign up through Calendly with this link to get more information about my Tuesday Community Yoga Nidra class.

Sliding scale for classes is $10-$20. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.  To make a donation, you can Venmo me @angeles-rios or PayPal me using to make a donation.